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Work clearly, focus and responsibly. You successfully cope with any tasks: from small projects to large initiatives. Even if you are not a project manager, feel in charge with a simple but functional application.
Get started easily — manage the project easily
Work confidently with a powerful project management tool. It will be equally easy for you to get started and manage projects.
Easily cope with time-consuming projects
Even complex projects are easier to manage if you can choose the methods and tools that are most suitable for you.
Microsoft Project and Microsoft Teams — strength in unity
Use Project and Teams to establish effective collaboration and project management, including file sharing, chat rooms, meetings, and more.
Work closely even from a distance
Work together on projects, even being on different continents. Provide all team members with the opportunity to update tasks at the same time, so that your teamwork is even more productive.
Язык:русский , английский
Разрядность:64-bit , 32-bit
Тип поставки:Электронная
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